Flashback Friday


Welcome to another Friday! Here’s what we shared during our NaNoWriMo-themed week on Active Voice.

– On Monday, we kicked off November with a post about WFU’s own WaFoWriMo.
– We shared some tips for starting your first novel on Tuesday.
– Another Wednesday meant another word of the week.
– And on Thursday, we brought a great post back from the archives about writing for NaNoWriMo.

From the Archives: Writing for NaNoWriMo


Donalee G White originally shared this post in November 2014. It’s too good not to share again. 

Writing for NaNoWriMo is like the wildest roller coaster ride at Carrowinds, or white water rafting, or skydiving at 10,500 feet above the earth, or even hiking the Appalachian Trail. I know because I’ve done all of these things. I’ve written a new 50,000 word novel for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) every year since November 2008. All of these activities have several key characteristics in common: they’re adrenaline addicting; they take minimal to extensive preparation—your choice; they have their ups and downs; and best of all, they are exciting to the extreme.

Every year since 1999, when 21 writers got together in July in the San Francisco bay area, NaNoWriMo has grown into a worldwide online novel-writing party. In November 2013, there were 310,095 participants. To get started, sign on to the website. It is free, and it is fun! Find a writer’s group in any area of the country or world, including your own back yard, to join for virtual “write-ins.” Receive tips on getting started, story inspiration, digging out of the third week doldrums, and flying in for a fabulous finish.

For me, it is the ultimate writer’s block buster. Even if I haven’t written a creative word all year, on November first I’ll sit down at my computer and compose at least 1667 words a day for thirty days. And, it will be a wild, rollicking, story ride. Something magical happens; my muse possesses me; and the story lurking in the recesses of my cranium pours forth onto the page.

Tuesday Tips: Starting Your Novel


Thinking of writing a novel during WaFoWriMo and NaNoWriMo? Here are a few great resources to help you get started.

how to start a novel right: 5 great tips

7 ways to create a killer first line

the snowflake method for designing a novel

25 things you should do before starting your next novel

317 power words

3 ways to start a novel

how to start writing a book: a peek inside one writer’s process

Flashback Friday

flashbackHere’s a look at our past week on Active Voice.

– On Monday, we shared a post from Professor Gellar-Goad, Assistant Professor of Classical Languages.
Tuesday was an advertisement for a great event out of the English Department.
– We shared a spooky word of the week on Wednesday.
– And on Thursday, we talked about WaFoWriMo as well as an event that we’ll be doing here in the center on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Jump write in! November is Wake Forest Writing Month









Today’s post comes from Meghan Webb,  Reference Services Coordinator in ZSR.

During the month of November, ZSR Library is teaming up with the Writing Center, Library Partners Press, WFU Office of Personal and Career Development and Wake Forest University Press to bring you WaFoWriMo(Wake Forest Writing Month). In the spirit of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), WaFoWriMo is a series of fun and engaging workshops aimed to promote and encourage writing projects of all shapes and sizes. Writers in the Wake Forest University community are invited to participate in whatever capacity they are able– whether that is continuing to work on and development a current writing project, or starting a new writing project, or even attempting to complete a 50,000 word novel (as challenged byNaNoWriMo).

With help from our campus partners, each workshop will provide resources to inspire and encourage writing projects, and refreshments to keep you fueled.  WaFoWriMo participants will also be invited to log their weekly word counts and share writing samples for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights!

The schedule of events includes:

WaFoWriMo Kickoff
Friday, Nov. 4 th 3:00-5:00pm, ZSR Room 477

WaFoWriMo Drop Write In
Friday, Nov. 18th 3:00-5:00pm, ZSR Room 477

WaFoWriMo Wrap-Up & Celebration
Friday, Dec. 9th 3:00-5:00pm, ZSR Room 477

All interested WaFoWriMo writers are asked to register for this program. Join our community of writers and jump write in to WaFoWriMo!