Tuesday’s Tip: Zotero

link190Today’s tip comes from the eLearning librarian at ZSR Library, Kyle Denlinger.

When I think back on all the research papers I wrote when I was in college, I’m struck by the countless hours I must have spent organizing, formatting, and proofreading my citations and bibliographies. Those were the dark ages. You see, back then, we didn’t have EasyBib. We had to format our citations by hand, on note cards, in the snow, uphill both ways! And we liked it!

Times have changed, however, and one must make room for progress. You probably already know about EasyBib, and if that works for you, and you’re not into saving time and being awesome, then by all means, use EasyBib. If you’d rather wield the power of 1,000 research librarians who refuse to sleep until your bibliographies are perfect, then read on.

New Tools, New Possibilities (with 100% more Spider-Man references!)

On Tuesday, we considered the ways that technology can be a distraction during the writing process. Of course, this isn’t always the case. In fact, there are so many ways in which technology has made writing, or at least some aspects of it, much easier than it was in the past. 

Just ask anyone who ever had to write their college or graduate school essays on a typewriter with Liquid Paper® bottle at hand!

Continue reading “New Tools, New Possibilities (with 100% more Spider-Man references!)”

Tuesday’s Tip: Avoiding Techno Distraction

Picture1We’ve all been there. Putting off an assignment, thinking we have all the time in the world. And then when we finally sit down to write a paper, obviously at the last minute, we can’t get away from all the techno distractions!

From Facebook and youtube, Twitter to Instagram, distractions are everywhere. So what’s a Deacon to do? In a recent presentation to Johnson Hall, Writing Center Director Ryan Shirey shared some great strategies for avoiding technology distraction while you work.

Rescue Time runs in the background on your computer and tracks the time you spend on various things to help give you accurate picture of what exactly you’re doing online while you should be writing. 

StayFocused and LeechBlock can help limit your possible distractions by selectively blocking your favorite time-such websites for set periods of time.

Have you found ways to limit distraction while you’re working? Share with us on our Facebook page

Writing in the Future

typing21-300x200We recently ran across an essay by Tom Chatfield called “I type, therefore I am.” Chatfield kicks things off by asking the question, “More human beings can write and type their every thought than ever before. Something to celebrate or deplore?” That got us thinking. It seems like everyone has a blog these days, and a website, and of course, a Facebook page. This massive sharing that has come with new technologies has opened up the world of writing, but to what end?

What was once seen as an activity of the elite, has now come to the masses: “In the past few decades, more than six billion mobile phones and two billion internet-connected computers have come into the world. As a result of this, for the first time ever we live not only in an era of mass literacy, but also — thanks to the act of typing onto screens ­— in one of mass participation in written culture.” 

So what do you think? Share with us on our Facebook page.